Pre- Sleep Journaling for better sleep

The past year and a half has been extraordinarily stressful for me. I've often found myself wide awake in the middle of the night, unable to fall back asleep as a multitude of thoughts bounce around my mind. While I sometimes get up and journal in another room, lately I've returned to a practice I found helpful in the past - pre-sleep journaling. The Negativity Trap Have you noticed how problems seem so much worse and more hopeless in middle of the night? That's the negativity bias at work. Researchers believe it's an evolutionary holdover from when our ancestors faced life-or-death threats daily, and any sound in the night could signal danger requiring an emergency response. Back then, nothing good ever happened after dark - just threats like wild animals, invaders, or other perils lurking in the shadows. We no longer face such existential dangers nightly, yet our bodies remain wired for survival mode. These days, the "threats" we face are more abstract but ...